A participatory analysis and multi subject meeting with the refugees and the peasants on the causes of migrations and interdependencies in between Africa Subsahariana and Europe.
We have started from land and resources to understand the topics of food sovereignity and reappropriations of natural resources with the local community of Mira.
The eating diversity meeting proposes non violent methods, paths of permaculture as solutions to the phenomena of marginalisation. In light of our intentions we would like to cultivale not just biological produts, but authentic relations that could be based on an exchange at the same level.
The asylum projects evaluated as positive are the ones that start from welcoming the individual and creation of familiar environment to discover the person and create a relational network on which to base his or her autonomy. Projects that start from using the capabilities of the hand, of be able to do by yourself in everyfield of work (agriculture, fishing, art&crafts, performative arts) and from the body to get to know the person and shape a light lugage that will remain forever and valorise the most authentic part of identity throughout positive interactions and a steady learning environment.
From the analysis of the causes of migratios, the narration of the African testimonials put into light the heavy heritage of Europe in Africa, that continue to persist on the development of the new generations. The colonialism is not over.
The steps towards liberation were identified together:
- get consciousness of the African richness to arrive to a management system based on the practices of land reappropriation and achient knowledge in equilibrium with the nature and the landscape.
- the importance of an economic system that starts from the exigencies of the local context and would develop the most authentic trajectories
- the institution of an African currency that will be based on the analysis of the real value of the resources, that so far have always been exploited by the Western countries for commercial aims.
- being incisive on the worsen of the climatic conditions starting from the consumption and life styles of our age wherever we live our everyday.
- communicate the real immage of Europe to the people that depart towards its discovery informing the people of the risks they will incur during the travel.