Home Tag "arti performative"

Workshop of Capoeira Topazio in nature

6 Luglio dalle ore 16.50 alle ore 17.30 6 July from 4.50 pm to 5.30 pm The introductory workshop of Capoeira Topazio with Clauber Gucchierato. The master will introduce the method to the participants in a space of historical relevance such as the Casabianca battery Angelo Emo at the Lido of Venice. Lesson of the […]

Laboratori la terza radice di danza afromessicana

ore 15.00 Introductions to the workshop: the third roots curated by Jennifer Cabrera Fernandez Stories of Mexico’s history, focused on the unknown “third root”, the Afromessicans. From the first landing in the year 1531 to Veracruz, one of the 32 states of the Federal Republic, passing through the Independence of Mexico in 1810, the Mexican […]